Our Story

Our Story

Bow-Wowza is a labour of love, conceived and created in 2017 by Sallyann Keizer and her talented team of media and mental health experts. With the vision of empowering every child to flourish, the team’s love of children, canines, comedy, and mental health, means there could be no better passion project for this award-winning pack. From videos to meditations, school resources to at-home activities, topped with a broadcast doggy drama to-boot, this heart-driven project is dosed in love.

Bow-Wowza was a mere twinkle in young Sallyann’s eye as she grew up with 7 Labradors, and 21 other animals in the home! Add to that a natural inquisitiveness about happiness, mental health, and wellbeing from an early age, and her other love – children – and ta-da, Bow-Wowza!


But first came the love of children. Sallyann founded BAFTA-winning Sixth Sense Media in 2000 to create global children’s content to educate, inspire and give young people a voice. Then came the mental health with the creation of the non-profit digital platform, the Happynesshub, to share evidence-based tools and research empowering grown-ups to flourish. Next the dog (singular). As Lord Archie Archibald arrived in her life – a beautiful 42 kilo Black Lab and Sallyann’s best friend ever.

2020. the coronavirus pandemic hit, and the Sixth Sense team felt compelled to bring Bow-Wowza to the children. So with a mixture of self-funding and wonderfully generous gifts of talent and time from so many kind souls, Bow-Wowza came to life with a series of 10 short films and a YouTube channel in May 2020. With voluntary contributions from actors, advisors, educational experts, and, of course, the doggos themselves, Sallyann’s dream had become a reality. Before long, the team was inspired to create audio meditations, creative activities, and even a package for schools to bring all elements of the offering together.


The vision for Bow-Wowza is to continue to offer children engaging and entertaining content, that makes them smile and laugh, but most importantly offers them tools to empower them to flourish in their day to day lives. Sallyann’s ultimate dream is to take Archie Archibald into schools to bring joy to kids as well – but if we get a TV commission she’ll consider that too.
Want to know more about the brains behind Bow-Wowza? Read our team bios here!