Parent’s Resource Area2021-01-28T07:31:03+00:00



Bow-Wowza IRL (In Real Life) is full of FREE creative and fun activities for children to develop a positive mindset, and as we like to say #unleashyourbestlife away from screens – with and without you!

Click on any activity to register, or log in.

Once you have logged in, then you can also access your account page here.

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Get your child started with their very own Bow-Wowza journal – storing thoughts, reflections, and arty creations! Our Bow-Wowza life hacks encourage children to be comfortable with their emotions, offering them tools to navigate the ups and downs of daily life.

Remember, it’s important to look after yourself and your mental health too – be an example to your child! If you’d like some top tools, then take a look at our sister site Happynesshub.

CLICK-TAP an activity to get access, it’s FREE!

We’d love you and your children to share what you have made – so use the hashtag #bemorebowwowza and tag @bowwowzaworld to share them on our Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and even Popjam!

Together, let’s #bemorebowwowza and #bebowwowzakind

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