Wellbeing In Schools

Wellbeing In Schools

Introducing the Bow-Wowza Wellbeing In Schools Package! Our Key Stage 1 and 2 school resources provide a fun and fresh way to bring tried-and-tested emotional wellbeing tools into the classroom. Based upon 8 evidence-based modules including funny videos, audio meditations, creative activities, and class discussions, each set of resources is designed to be accessible and flexible, so you can adapt depending on how much time you have available.

There are 8 FREE modules ready and waiting

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You need to sign up to access the resources above.

Introduction – An introduction to our Wooftastic Wellbeing Course.
Mindfulness – Introducing mindfulness and why it is good for the brain!
Gratitude – Create a culture of gratitude in your classroom.
Kindness – Nurture a kind classroom and a culture of giving.
Managing Emotions – Accepting emotions and managing the tough ones.
Self-Compassion – Kindness isn’t just for others – being kind to ourselves too!
Friendship – The importance of friendship and uniting the class.
Happy Things – Happy activities to boost the mood.
Bow-Wowza is a non-profit organisation, created with the sole aim of empowering children to flourish. We will never charge anyone to access our resources, ever. Simply SIGN UP to get complete access and stay in the loop about our journey to spread PAWSitivity to children everywhere.
Want to see some samples before you sign up?
Click here for Samples
Want to learn more about why wellbeing belongs in the classroom?
Click here for Wellbeing in Schools
